
Willi Baumeister found his place in art scholarship in the 1920s. Numerous authors referred to him when it came to the development of painting and aesthetics in Europe in the 20th century. Here you will find a selection of the most important contributions..

Mechano (1921)
"Mechano" (1921). Pásmo 4 (Brno, 1924): 1.
Mauerbild (1926)
"Das Mauerbild und einiges über die Fläche in der Malerei." Die Baugilde 7, 17 (1925): 1186-1187.
Mauerbild (1926)

Here you will find references to some of the most important contributions on Willi Baumeister that have been published from the 1920s to the present in exhibition catalogues, newspapers, and journals as well as other publications. A selection of outstanding comprehensive studies is presented under Monographs and Catalogues Raisonné.

Here you will find a selection of the most important publications about and by Willi Baumeister:

Catalogues raisonnés of Willi Baumeister

This selection presents the most important publications on Willi Baumeister.